Please allow 3-5 weeks for a complete order to be fulfilled. Our team is working hard to assure that each customer receives the correct product on schedule, and in a reasonable amount of time. Here are the steps in which your order will be shipped.
1. You place your order.
2. Your order is received and is sent over to be placed and designed on your product choice.
3. The product is designed and sent to our home store. (Steps 1-3 takes about 1-2 weeks of the minimum 3 week process)
4. Home store receives your product and is immediately shipped to you. (Third and last week of shipping process)
There should be no delay on your order unless we received the wrong product or design, that did not co-exist with your order number.
Tracking your order
You will receive an email upon your purchase, that should give you a brief description of the purchase you made. You wont get a tracking number until the order starts to be fulfilled, which typically happens either after 3-5 business days, or when the home store receives the product. Once you receive that tracking number, you can now track your order.
Track by email
Tracking by email is an easier method we have, where you receive emails giving you a status update every time your package reaches a new step. These emails will be sent out to you automatically after your order has started its fulfillment process. Opting out would require a simple “Opt-out” email response, and you will no longer receive updates until you get your tracking number, and can track online.